The 2022 Frueauff Symposium and Closing Conference was held on Friday, July 29th. The Symposium was held from 8:45am–12pm and the entire community was invited to come hear our guest speakers. SHECP’s opening keynote address entitled “Creating a Lasting End to Homelessness" was given by Rosanne Haggerty, the President and CEO of Community Solutions. Community Solutions assists communities throughout the US and internationally in solving the complex housing problems facing their most vulnerable residents.

Our second keynote address, “Poverty Reduction and Early Childhood Development,” was given by Dr. Lisa A. Gennetian, a Pritzker Professor of Early Leaning Policy Studies at Duke University. Finally, a panel discussion was given by The Blue Ridge Mile. As part of the Shepherd Program at Washington and Lee University, the student-led program assists individuals who face barriers in obtaining or reinstating a Virginia Driver’s License. The panel discussed the success of the program and how its student leaders were able to collaborate with various community leaders in their goal of supporting clients.
After the conclusion of the 2022 Symposium, students gathered for the Closing Conference where they presented on their experiences of the summer internships. Interns were assigned to various peer groups and reflected on the anti-poverty work they participated in during the 8-weeks. Community partners, supervisors, and internship directors were invited to hear their students share, creating a community of support for SHECP interns.
Finally, we would like to give a huge thank you to the Frueauff Foundation for their continued support. Without them these events would not be possible.