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Special Message from the SHECP Executive Director, Harlan Beckley

Perhaps I should not be surprised that several SHECP alumni and friends have written since the November election to tell me how important poverty studies has been for them and will be for future students.  Persons with different political and policy views are concerned with the low level of the electoral discussions, often with little attention to either policy or practices to combat poverty or other social problems.  One person in particular was prompted to send a donation to support poverty studies education through SHECP.

SHECP certainly needs financial support to expand on and improve poverty studies education.  I am taking this occasion to let you know that we welcome contributions in all amounts. Participation is important to inspire larger donors, and the funds will also benefit our work. Please feel free to use the opportunity for donations via the SHECP web site with a credit card or PayPal or to contribute by check. Our address is Shepherd Consortium (SHECP), Washington and Lee University, 312 Newcomb Hall, Lexington, VA 24450.

We also hope you will consider joining us in Lexington, VA, this summer on Sunday, July 30, and Monday, July 31, for the twentieth annual internship report conference of the Shepherd Alliance and Consortium and the sixth Consortium symposium.  The symposium will focus on “Criminal Justice, Poverty, and Race.”  The meetings will take place on the Post of the Virginia Military Institute and the campus of Washington and Lee.

You are also welcome to contact me with comments, critical guidance, and, I hope, encouragement.  540-458-8164 office; 540-460-1713;


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