Virtual Events
Internship Academy Speakers

As part of the 2024 Internship Academy, SHECP will host two general speaker sessions on Thursday, May 30th that everyone is welcome to attend. At 1pm ET, Dr. Randall Akee, associate professor in the Department of Public Policy and American Indian Studies at UCLA, will provide an overview of his work on issues impacting Native and Indigenous peoples and discuss his experiences working with various organizations. At 2:15pm ET, in this interactive dialogue, Sarah Robertson (SHECP ’03) and Dr. Curtis L. Webb III from Design Impact will introduce co-design as a framework for addressing complex social issues, with a focus on fostering community leadership and driving equitable change. Participants will reflect, apply principles to real-life scenarios, and gain tools for equitable community engagement. Register here.
The talks on May 30th are open to the entire SHECP community, and we encourage you to share the event with anyone who may be interested in attending. The full SHECP Internship Academy (May 28–31) serves to provide additional preparations for interns to responsibly engage with host communities and frame the upcoming internship within the larger academic context.
Pedagogy & Practice
Pedagogy & Practice events are designed to facilitate collaboration and sharing of best practices across SHECP Member Schools. The focus of each event is chosen by consortium members and topic examples include how to prepare students for their summer internship, opportunities for undergraduate research, engaging program alumni as mentors for current students, and how students share their experience with the community, integrate the work into capstone courses or research, or reflect together when they return to campus.
Practitioner Insights
The Practitioner Insights series provides an opportunity for summer interns and all members of the SHECP community to hear from innovative and dynamic leaders doing anti-poverty work. Each year, the summer series includes at least four events featuring practitioners, including SHECP alumni, from across the country working to address a diverse set of poverty related issues. These events are part of the SHECP Summer Internship program but are open to the general community.
Springboard Events
SHECP Springboard events are designed to begin a conversation with a virtual, Consortium-wide webinar designed to provide background on a topic and introduce unique perspectives. Individuals are then encouraged to continue the conversation within the own classroom or community. For each event, SHECP provides several questions or prompts as one way to continue the conversation.

Resilience & Childhood Poverty event – a discussion about how current research on resilience can inform our approach to mitigating the negative effects of childhood poverty
Language & Poverty event – a discussion about how the language surrounding poverty influences and complicates our daily work and is addressed in various fields of study